Shore Buddies - Educating Children on Ocean Impact

Shore Buddies - Educating Children on Ocean Impact

Malte founded Shore Buddies in 2014, a social purpose business focused on sustainability and marine life preservation.

The Center for Biological Diversity estimates that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. It is also currently estimated that ocean plastics kill over one million marine animals per year. Having traveled to some of the world’s most beautiful places, SAIL Alumnus Malte Niebelschuetz was often surprised and disappointed to see other vacationers use straws, plastic cups, and other disposables. Those plastics inevitably end up in the ocean, degrading the very destinations we all love.

In an effort to learn more, Malte found he was not alone. There is actually a high demand for sustainable options, particularly for recycled plastics that otherwise might never decompose. But why are consumers not doing their part? After a little research, Malte decided to use those recycled materials to create a new product that would educate users about the environment while reducing the amount of plastics going into the ocean.

Shore Buddies are stuffed animals composed of six recyclable plastic bottles per toy.

With names like Shelly the Sea Turtle and Sammy the Seal, shore buddies create a personal connection between children and the ocean. Each toy is also given a background story meant to educate them on the impact plastics have on the environment. By creating a more educated youth, Malte hopes to inspire a whole generation of ocean advocates.

Shore Buddies’ impact does not stop there. About 481 billion plastic bottles are consumed every year. But as Shore Buddies grows so will its impact. Shore Buddies has already saved 500,000 plastic bottles from entering the ocean and hosts regular beach clean up events to prevent plastics from making their way to the ocean. As part of his commitment to marine ecology, Malte also donates $1 from every purchase to $1 for the Ocean, which supports local nonprofit organizations engaged in ocean protection.

Before entering the Mission Edge SAIL Social Enterprise Accelerator, Shore Buddies was heavily reliant on brick-and-mortar sales, with over 85% of revenue generated in-person. But when COVID hit, Malte needed to make a change. By pivoting to an e-commerce sales model and integrating a heavy social media presence featuring a Shore Buddies book, and a TV-show coming soon, Malte has been able to bounce back. With over 12k followers on Instagram and over 5k on Facebook, Malte is positioned to have his best year yet! 

You can already find Shore Buddies on Amazon and you’ll soon see Shelly, Sammy, or one of the other Shore Buddies on Good Morning America and QVC!


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