Trust-Based Philanthropy and Corporate Social Responsibility

How incorporating trust-based Philanthropy can make you a better community partner


Traditionally, grantmaking has been straightforward: the wealthy donate to the less fortunate to address societal issues. But here at Mission Edge, we want funders to bring an awareness of power and equity to their giving. 

That's why our Corporate Social Responsibility program approaches all our initiatives with the values and practices outlined by the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project.

What is Trust-Based Philanthropy?

Trust-Based Philanthropy is a philosophy that seeks to rebalance the power dynamics in philanthropy, fostering relationships based on mutual respect, understanding, and accountability. At its foundation, it acknowledges the reality that philanthropy has contributed to systemic inequities. 

The values outlined by the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project encourage grantmakers to prioritize the following: 

  • Systemic equity

  • Redistribution of power

  • Centering relationships

  • Partnering in a spirit of service 

  • Being accountable

  • Embracing learning

Six ways Mission Edge Implements Trust-Based Philanthropy

Mission Edge tries to build the below concepts into every CSR project we engage in, from volunteer management to corporate philanthropy project management. (These come from the 6 Grantmaking Practices of Trust-Based Philanthropy).

1 — Multi-Year, Unrestricted Funding

Mission Edge recognizes that the nature of nonprofit work is long-term and unpredictable. By providing multi-year, unrestricted funding, we empower our grantee partners with the flexibility to allocate resources where they're most needed, encouraging innovation and sustainability.

2 — Doing the Homework

Instead of placing the burden of extensive proposal writing on nonprofits, we take the initiative to understand their needs and challenges. This approach saves valuable time and resources for these organizations.

3 — Streamlining Paperwork

By simplifying application and reporting processes, we ensure nonprofits can focus more on their mission-critical work, fostering a more effective partnership.

4 — Transparency and Responsiveness

Open and honest communication is vital. We strive to be transparent and responsive, creating an environment where grantees feel comfortable to share their actual needs and challenges.

5 — Soliciting and Acting on Feedback

Recognizing that we don't have all the answers, we value the insights from our grantees. Their feedback is crucial in shaping our strategies and approaches.

6 — Support Beyond Funding

Our support extends beyond financial assistance. We provide non-monetary aid such as leadership training and network access, particularly to organizations that have historically been underserved.

Why Trust-Based Philanthropy Matters

Trust-Based Philanthropy is not just about changing how we give but also why – and to whom. It's an acknowledgment of the inherent imbalances in traditional Philanthropy and an active effort to address them.

By implementing these principles, Mission Edge is not just contributing to the community; we're partnering with it in a way that respects and elevates those we aim to help.

trust based philanthropy project logo

Connect and Learn More

To dive deeper into Trust-Based Philanthropy, visit the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project website ( They offer a wealth of information, opportunities to connect with like-minded practitioners, and events to attend.

Incorporating these forward-thinking concepts into CSR programming may be challenging, but it's a journey worth embarking on. Mission Edge is committed to this path, continuously learning and adapting our practices to be a true partner in community development.

mission edge csr team at event supporting nonprofit funding

Book a call with us to learn more about our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives and how we can help you tackle a new CSR project this year!

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